Course Details
- Name of the Course: Revised General Nursing and Midwifery Course – recognised by the INC, MNC & MSBNPE
- Duration: 3 Years
- Number of Seats: 40
- Date of Admission: 1st August
The Syllabus and the General Nursing Course outline, as prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council/Maharashtra Nursing Council, will be followed in the school. Classroom and Clinical lectures will be given by Nursing Tutors, Clinical Instructors, and Doctors. Lectures on specialties will be given by specialists in the field. Students are assigned hospital duties for clinical experience in various departments, such as Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Operation Theatre, Community and Family Welfare Department, as a part of their training.
KEM Hospital Pune, has excellent clinical facilities with 550+ beds in the General Wards, which include male and female Medical and Surgical wards, Paediatric, Obstetrics and Gynaecology wards. In addition, there are Operation Theatres and Intensive Care Units. Students are also sent to the following Centres:
- Kamala Nehru Hospital & Sonawane Hospital for obstetric experience
- Nityanand Mental Health Care Centre, Katraj for psychiatric experience
- Rural Health at KEM’s Vadu Hospital and at the PHC at Wagholi
- Urban Health at the Urban Health Centre, Bhawani Peth, Pune.