By Dr. Archana Kadam

Autism: Guide for parents

Autism spectrum disorder is a group of developmental disorders, wherein the child has primarily difficulties in social communication, behaviour, play and sensory processing issues.
Do’s for parents
  • In case you feel that your child is not pointing to what he or she wants, or not using words by 15 months, visit your paediatrician and discuss the possibility of Autism spectrum.
  • Your child will have better outcomes if you seek professional help early.
  • Create need for the child to communicate. Let him or her ask, show, share things with you.
  • Let your child learn self-help skills like eating, drinking, and toilet training.
  • Create opportunities for play and interaction with peers.
  • Play with your child and reinforce their efforts at play and social communication.
  • Ignore or distract when your child has a tantrum.
  • Every tantrum has a purpose, try to analyse the cause and modify it to prevent the behaviour next time.
  • Let him or her develop as per their own pace.
  • Identify what they are good at and use it to overcome their weakness.
  • Anticipate, prepare and plan a social event like a birthday so that they comply better
  • Needs of your child vary with age. Keep a close follow up with your doctor and therapist.
Don’ts for parents
  • Don’t disregard your concerns. Don’t lose out on precious early intervention time.
  • Every child does not need all therapies. Working ourselves at home too is equally important.
  • Don’t use gadgets at eating time and at sleep time, instead play with your child.
  • Don’t try to change every behaviour. Only change those that are socially unacceptable or harmful to self or others
  • Don’t give in to tantrums.
  • Don’t tell the child what not to do.
  • Don’t keep repeating instructions or rephrasing them.
  • Don’t punish or shout. It does not work.
  • Don’t look for magic cures to autism.
  • Don’t focus only on academics. The child needs to learn self-help and communication
  • Don’t discuss your child’s negative behaviour in front of him or her.
  • Don’t compare him or her with anyone else. Each child’s ability is different.

Parents, therapists, doctors, teachers all need to work in unison to help every child with Autism spectrum disorder achieve his or her optimal functional outcome.

Dr. Archana Kadam

Developmental Paediatrician