By Dr. Bharti Patil

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is an important part of the rehabilitation team.

It is the art and science which facilitates development of skills and functions required to be independent in the activities of daily living. The word ‘occupation’ refers to the therapeutic activities planned to restore lost function and diminish dysfunction.

The broad aim of occupational therapy is to make an individual as independent as possible in Activities of Daily Living (ADL).

To gain independence in ADL we require
  • Gross motor coordination
  • Fine motor coordination
  • Sensory Integration
  • Cognition
  • Motivation

An occupational therapist must access all these areas to bridge the gap between abnormality and normality, and try to minimize disability.

Occupational therapy is recommended for
  • Children: pediatric OT
  • Senior citizens- Geriatric OT
  • People having mental health issues – psychiatric OT

Here at TDH Rehab centre we specifically deal with children from 2 ½ months to 12 years of age. Babies having CP, Developmental delay, Autism, Attention deficit, hyperactive disorder and scholastic backwardness are treated here in our department.

Specific aims of pediatric OT include:
  • Gain maximum Independence in ADL
  • Ensure maximum use of Both the upper limbs
  • Develop perceptual abilities
  • School readiness
  • We have high risk clinics 3 days a week. Those babies who are referred to us are given a home training program and stimulation kit, and if a delay is still noticed at the next visit, then the baby is taken up for regular therapy. Sensory integration therapy is provided for children with autism and hyperactivity. Children with scholastic backwardness usually come with writing issues. The underlying cause for writing i.e., eye-hand co-ordination, perception, tone abnormality is assessed and treated.

    We work as a team with, physiotherapists, psychologists, speech therapists, orthotist, doctors and parents. Parents are the most important members of our team because parents are the best therapists for their child, and they are the one who are going to carry out therapy at home and make the child useful and important members of society.

Dr. Bharti Patil

Occupational Therapist