By Dr. Devshree Chandorkar

Common Eye Flu

Recently, Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) ,commonly known as “Eye Flu” & ‘’Pink eye” has taken over India by storm. About 1000 cases are reported daily by the ophthalmologists.

Let’s know about the “Common eye flu”

It is a viral conjunctivitis caused by a group of adenoviruses. This family of adenoviruses contains different serotypes that can also cause pharyngo-conjunctival fever and nonspecific follicular conjunctivitis. EKC is highly contagious and has a tendency to occur in epidemics. The virus is shed in tears and nasal discharges of infected persons.
It spreads commonly after coming in contact with the infected person’s hands, eyes and face.

It is one of the most common causes of acute conjunctivitis, with characteristic clinical features such as sudden onset of acute follicular conjunctivitis, with watery discharge, congestion, lid swelling, and ipsilateral preauricular lymphadenopathy. Some patients may develop membranes and pseudo membranes, with a distinguishing corneal involvement that ranges from mild to severe epithelial defects. Diagnosis is mainly clinical.

As it is a self-limiting disease, the treatment is mostly symptomatic (cold compresses and artificial tears). In severe cases, mild topical corticosteroids can be given by the ophthalmologist. Antivirals and immunosuppressant eye drops can be tried in some patients but without definite benefit. It tends to resolve spontaneously within 1-3 weeks without significant complications. In 20-50% of cases, corneal opacities can persist for a few weeks to months or a year. This phenomenon can significantly decrease visual acuity and cause glare symptoms. Some Lasers can be tried to treat the post viral corneal opacities.

How to protect yourself?

  • Hand hygiene and isolation from infected people.
  • Report to a local ophthalmologist if signs of conjunctivitis like redness, blurring vision, tearing or discharge.
  • Follow the treatment given by the ophthalmologist
  • Follow-up as necessary.

Dr. Devshree Chandorkar

Consultant Ophthalmologist