Parkinson’s Disease Support Group
Any patient suffering from Parkinson’s Disease symptoms may enrol
The registration procedure includes a standard patient assessment done by a therapist at the support group Center- where some personal details + PD specific details are noted. Family members may accompany the patients for sessions as well.
Contact Dr Nikita Chhajed – 9665075605 or Janine Garda- 9850970804 for more information
Services are provided free of cost.
The PD Support Group gathers once a week- on Wednesdays from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Vaccination Centre at KEM Hospital, Pune. (Outside Diamond Drug Store)
Multidisciplinary Care for PwP including-
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Music, Dance and Art Therapy
- Educational lectures, discussions, demonstrations and information on psychological and cognitive care, diet and exercise
Persons with Parkinson’s Disease face several physical and mental issues and hence require additional help in the form of a support group. The members of the Support Group offer each other emotional and social support. Every meeting is an opportunity for the members and their caregivers to socialise while being provided education and therapy.