Foetal Medicine
- Viability Scan
- First trimester scan (NT Scan) 11 to 13+6 Weeks
- TIFFA (Target/Anomaly Scan) 18 Weeks to 19+6 Weeks
- Growth scan
- Specialised scans:
- Multiple pregnancy scan (routine and high risk)
- Foetal echocardiography
- Obstetric doppler
- Foetal neurosonography
- Counselling for foetal anomalies
- Genetic counselling for congenital disorders
- Amniocentesis (after 16 weeks) / CVS
- Foetal blood sampling
- Intrauterine blood transfusion
- Foetal reduction
- Amnio reduction
- Combined 1st trimester screening (NT scan + double marker)
- Double marker
- Quadruple screening
- Preeclampsia screening
- Non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPT)
- Karyolyte BoBs (products of conception)
We are available from Monday – Saturday, by appointment only.
Please call: +91 20 6603 7385 to make an appointment.