Infectious Diseases
We have a dedicated Immunization clinic providing up-to-date and affordable, routine and
special situation, full range vaccinations for all age groups. We follow standard, meticulous
and supervised practices for storage, administration, monitoring, documentation and follow-
up. We also provide free pre and post immunization counselling, guided by expert faculty.
We have a dedicated research department of national and international repute that conducts
trials and research projects and contributes immensely to the field of paediatrics, infectious
diseases and vaccine research.
- We educate and train postgraduate doctors in accurate diagnosis, personal care,
rational management, advanced research and effective prevention of infectious
diseases of childhood - We provide community education and awareness programs in infection control and
prevention and training for health care workers and doctors through a dedicated
Hospital Infection Control Committee team - We practise, facilitate, promote and train health care providers in antimicrobial
stewardship, antibiotic resistance awareness and rational antibiotic practises